
Mar 20, 2025

Rolf Kiessling receives CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award

2025-03-20 12:25

Karolinska Institutet’s Senior Professor in Experimental Oncology Rolf Kiessling Receives CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award for Groundbreaking Contributions to Cancer Immunotherapy

Mainz, Germany, March 20, 2025 – The Swedish cancer immunologist and researcher Rolf Kiessling has been selected as the recipient of the 2025 CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award for his discovery of natural killer (NK) cells, which was fundamental to our understanding of the immune response to viruses and cancer cells. Rolf Kiessling is a Senior Professor of Experimental Oncology at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm and a Senior Consultant at Karolinska University Hospital.

Awarded every other year, the CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award honors European scientists who have made significant contributions to cancer immunotherapy research and education throughout their careers. The CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award is endowed with 10,000 EUR and will be presented on the evening of Tuesday, May 13, at 6 p.m., during the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT, held in Mainz, Germany, from May 12–14, 2025.

Rolf Kiessling’s groundbreaking work over the past five decades has profoundly shaped the field of cancer immunology. His discovery and naming of natural killer (NK) cells in the 1970s, published in a series of seminal studies in the European Journal of Immunology and the International Journal of Cancer, was a landmark achievement that defined NK cells as critical components of the innate immune system, complementary to and distinct from T cells and the adaptive immune system. During his thesis work in Kiessling’s group, Klas Kärre described how NK cells are triggered by the absence or reduced expression of self-MHC class I, a concept that remains central to our understanding of NK cell activation and has directly influenced the development of NK cell-based immunotherapies. Kiessling’s research established the developmental pathways, regulatory mechanisms, and functional roles of NK cells, laying the foundation for the current advances in NK cell-based cancer immunotherapies.

Beyond NK cells, Kiessling’s contributions span a broad range of cancer immunotherapy approaches. His studies on tumor-induced immune dysfunction and the role of myeloid-derived suppressor cells (MDSCs) and oxidative stress have shaped strategies to overcome immune suppression in cancer patients. His extensive work on cancer vaccines, including peptide-based, DNA-based, and dendritic cell-based strategies, has significantly advanced the understanding of antigen-specific immune responses in cancer. His efforts to combine adoptive T cell therapies with dendritic tumor cell vaccination show promise in improving cancer cell therapy.

In addition to his scientific achievements, Rolf Kiessling has been a dedicated mentor and leader in the cancer immunology community. Over the course of his career, he has trained dozens of PhD students and postdoctoral fellows, many of whom have become prominent leaders in the field. His commitment to collaboration and education has helped foster the global cancer immunology community.

“As we celebrate the 50th anniversary of the discovery of natural killer cells, it is especially fitting to honor Dr. Kiessling with the CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award,” said Özlem Türeci, President of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT). “His groundbreaking discoveries have not only driven scientific progress but also inspired confidence in the potential of immunotherapy during its early days. His work has laid much of the foundation for the clinical successes seen today in cancer immunotherapy.”

For more information about the award and the 22nd CIMT Annual Meeting, please go to and

About CIMT

Based in Mainz, Germany, CIMT is Europe’s leading platform for education and collaboration in cancer immunotherapy. Bringing together researchers, physicians, industry, and regulatory authorities, CIMT fosters innovation and advances the field. The organization collaborates with international immunotherapy centers and research networks to drive progress. For more information, visit and

Press contact:
Christine Castle
Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT
Göttelmannstr. 17
55130 Mainz
Phone 0151 53 222 559


Mar 7, 2025

Extended abstract submission deadline

2025-03-07 17:55

Feb 27, 2025

Submit your abstract before the deadline

2025-02-27 14:54

Jan 6, 2025

Registration and abstract submission now open

2025-01-06 12:21

To register for the conference, go to:  

To submit your abstract, go to:

The deadline for abstract submissions is March 7, 2025.

Jul 24, 2024

21st CIMT Annual Meeting report

2024-07-24 15:38

Ahrberg, Y., Dallmann, J., Freitag, J., Hassan, A., Jung, C., Kiefer, J., Muralidharan. A. M., Peter, M., Beck, J. D. (2024). CIMT 2024: Report on the 21st Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy.Human Vaccines & Immunotherapeutics, 20(1). DOI: 10.1080/21645515.2024.2381925

May 15, 2024

The 21st CIMT Annual Meeting kicks off in Mainz, Germany

2024-05-15 11:11

The 21st Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy (CIMT) has officially opened today in Mainz, Germany, drawing 870 participants from 32 countries. The meeting's comprehensive program features seven plenary sessions, two poster sessions presenting 250 abstracts, and six short talk sessions, providing a platform for in-depth discussions and presentations on a wide range of topics in cancer immunotherapy research and development. Additionally, an industry exhibition is being held,show casing the latest innovations and technologies from 32 leading companies in the field.

May 14, 2024

Abstracts of the 21st CIMT Annual Meeting

2024-05-14 14:29

Apr 11, 2024

Abstract presentation notifications have been sent.

2024-04-11 12:42

Mar 8, 2024

Abstract submission extended through March 15

2024-03-08 19:03

Feb 15, 2024

Abstract submission ends on March 8

2024-02-15 17:01

Submit your abstract in the following categories:

  • Immunomonitoring
  • Cellular Therapy
  • New Targets & New Leads
  • Tumor Biology & Interaction with the Immune System
  • Improving Immunity
  • Novel Tools & Technologies

To submit, go to

Jan 11, 2024

Abstract submission and registration is open

2024-01-11 10:19

Nov 8, 2023

2024 Industry Exhibit booking

2023-11-08 14:36

For more information, please see or contact the CIMT office at office[at]

Jul 20, 2023

CIMT 2024

2023-07-20 10:05

Save the date for the 21. CIMT Annual Meeting: May 15-17, 2024. Sign up for our newsletter to receive updates on 2024 abstract submission and meeting registration.

May 5, 2023

2023 Poster Award Winners

2023-05-12 13:46

Six early-career researchers were selected for poster awards at the 20th CIMT Annual Meeting.

During the poster sessions, the poster jury members evaluated the poster presenters based on the quality and ingenuity of their research, poster design and presentation skills.

Take a look at the award winners at .

Conference abstracts are accessable at

We thank Immatics for the sponsorship of the poster award prizes.

May 3, 2023

Annual Meeting opened with record attendance

2023-05-03 10:39

This year’s meeting celebrates the anniversary of the largest annual European expert meeting on cancer immunotherapy.

The meeting features a diverse program, with poster sessions and an industry exhibition covering a wide range of topics in cancer immunotherapy research and development. Attendees will have the opportunity to interact with leading experts, share their insights, and discuss the latest scientific and clinical breakthroughs in cancer immunotherapy.

Prof. Christoph Huber, founding member of the CIMT Association, is excited about the high number of participants who came to Mainz this year. “The CIMT Annual Meeting has always been at the forefront of presenting the latest research and fostering collaboration between experts worldwide.” CIMT Board Chairwoman Prof. Özlem Türeci added, “This year’s program is a testament to the scientific community’s continued commitment to making significant progress in the development of cancer immunotherapies.”

Clemens Hoch, Minister of Science and Health of Rhineland-Palatinate, delivered the welcoming address at the opening of the meeting. The minister highlighted the crucial role of international scientific collaboration in the fight against cancer, as well as the region’s innovative strength in this field. “The CIMT Annual Meetings stand for scientific exchange at the highest level and the initiation as well as deepening of valuable collaboration in the field of cancer immunotherapy. The potential is great, which is also shown by the professional interest with more than 300 abstracts submitted. I am delighted that such an event is taking place in Mainz, a city that itself stands for innovation from Gutenberg to BioNTech and we have consistently promoted research in immunology and mRNA for more than 30 years, “said the Minister of Science and Health of Rhineland-Palatinate, Clemens Hoch, at the opening of the meeting.

Apr 19, 2023

Conference abstracts to be published on April 26.

2023-04-20 9:14

Apr 5, 2023

CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award for Hans-Georg Rammensee

2023-04-05 15:53

The German immunologist Hans-Georg Rammensee is the recipient of the 2023 CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award. He is recognized for his extraordinary achievements in cancer immunology, in particular the understanding of peptide-antigen presentation on MHC molecules and his seminal work on personalized cancer vaccination.

In addition to his scientific contributions, Professor Rammensee has been an inspiring mentor to many young researchers and has worked tirelessly to promote collaboration and cooperation within the scientific community.

Hans-Georg Rammensee is the director of the Department of Immunology at the University of Tübingen.

The prize, which is awarded every other year by the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT, honors European scientists who have made significant contributions to cancer immunotherapy research and education throughout their careers.

The Association for Cancer Immunotherapy will honor Hans-Georg Rammensee on the evening of Thursday, May 4, at 6 p.m., in Mainz, Germany at the 20th Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT (May 3-5, 2023).

Learn more about Hans-Georg Rammensee.

Mar 31, 2023

Abstract notifications sent on March 30

2023-03-31 15:01

All accepted abstracts will be presented as posters during the meeting. The poster session will take place on-site at Rheingoldhalle Congress Center.

From all accepted abstracts, authors of highly rated abstracts have now been notified to deliver oral short talk presentations of their submitted work. Please take note of your assigned session days and times.

Mar 7, 2023

300 abstracts submitted

2023-03-07 10:27

More than 300 abstracts have been submitted to the 20th CIMT Annual Meeting and are currently being reviewed. Abstract notifications will be sent in the week of March 27, 2023 to the correspondence email of the abstract presenter provided at the time of abstract submission.

From all accepted abstracts, authors of highly rated abstracts will be invited to deliver short talk presentations of their submitted work. In addition, CIMT will honor outstanding poster presentations of junior researchers with the CIMT Poster Awards.

Feb 24, 2023

New abstract submission deadline

2023-02-24 17:45

Feb 1, 2023

Advance registration ends February 24

2023-02-01 16:09

Register at

Jan 4, 2023

Abstract submission and registration

2023-01-04 16:28

Abstract submission and registration will open on January 10, 2023. Abstract submission will close on February 24, 2023.

Dec 1, 2022

Rafi Ahmed will present keynote lecture of CIMT 2023

2023-01-04 16:35

Rafi Ahmed of Emory University will present the keynote lecture of the 20th CIMT Annual Meeting on cell lifestyle during chronic infection and cancer: implications for immunotherapy". He will speak on May 3, from 5:30-6:30 p.m.

Aug 11, 2022

CIMT 2023

2022-08-11 12:16

May 12, 2022

2022 Poster Award Winners

2022-05-17 16:15

Cellular Therapy

Miranda H. Meeuwsen

Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands 

Abstract 119 
“T cell receptor-based targeting of immunoglobulin constant domains for treatment of Multiple Myeloma” 

Therapeutic Vaccination

Ida Olsson
Uppsala University/Strike Pharma, Sweden


Aman Mebrahtu
KTH Royal Institute of Technology Stockholm/Strike Pharma, Sweden

Abstract 31
“An agonistic CD40 bispecific antibody designed for flexible synthetic peptide-cargo delivery through an affinity interaction, a way to ensure optimal T cell activation”

New Targets and New Leads

Marit van Elsas
Leiden University Medical Center, Netherlands

Abstract 77
“CD163 tissue-resident macrophages drive primary and secondary cancer immunotherapy resistance”



Simone Blaess
University of Tübingen/Werner Siemens Imaging Center, Germany

Abstract 79 
“In vivo T cell activation kinetics visualized by longitudinal OX40- and CD69-immunoPET during combination cancer immunotherapy” 

Tumor Biology & Interaction with the Immune System

Christian Schmidl  
Leibniz Institute for Immunotherapy, Germany

Abstract #171 
“Integrated single-cell profiling dissects cell-state-specific enhancer landscapes of human tumor infiltrating T cells”


Improving Immunity

Matthieu Besneux 
Prokarium, United Kingdom 

Abstract 182
“ZH9: a live bacterial immunotherapy that reprograms suppressive macrophages and induces trained immunity” 

We would like to thank Immatics for their generous support of the 2022 Poster Awards.

May 10, 2022

CIMT 2022 opens in Mainz, Germany

2022-05-10 15:16

The 2022 Annual Meeting today opened with over 700 international participants on-site and an additional livestream audience, totaling close to 1,000 attendees.

The conference offers plenary sessions on improving immunity, tumor microenvironment, novel targets, immunometabolism, novel immunoanalytics, cellular therapy and a special session on chemical immunology. 193 posters are being presented on site. 32 abstracts were chosen by the program committee to be presented as short talks.

May 5, 2022

COVID-19 protective measures

2022-05-05 16:11

While we will not check the meeting attendees’ vaccination status, we strongly recommend, however, to only participate in-person if you are fully vaccinated. We also recommend taking an at-home or rapid antigen test before attending the conference but will not check any test results.

We will ask that all attendees, speakers, congress staff, and vendors wear a surgical or FFP2/KN95 mask at all times while moving about in the Rheingoldhalle Congress Center. Masks may be removed while seated in the lecture halls or while eating or drinking. Masks should completely cover your mouth and nose.

For more information, please see our COVID-19 protective measures.

Apr 21, 2022

Detailed program schedule

2022-04-21 12:38

A detailed program schedule with all speakers and talk titles is now published online and can be and can be downloaded at or here .

Apr 13, 2022

Poster and short talk presenters notified

2022-04-13 17:36

All abstract authors have been notified about their scheduled poster presentations. The Poster Sessions will take place on-site only. Selected abstract authors will present their research as Short Talks on May 12.

Mar 11, 2022

New registration deadline

2022-03-11 13:42

Mar 4, 2022

Extended abstract submission deadline

2022-03-07 9:22

The 2022 abstract submission deadline has been extended through March 13, midnight (CET).

Go to to submit your abstract.

Jan 21, 2022

Abstract submission is open

2022-01-21 15:35

The CIMT program committee is calling for abstract submission in the following categories:

  • Therapeutic Vaccination
  • Immunomonitoring
  • Cellular Therapy
  • New Targets & New Leads
  • Tumor Biology and Interaction with the Immune System
  • Improving Immunity

For more information, go to

Dec 22, 2021

CIMT Annual Meeting 2022

2021-12-22 12:27

From cutting-edge basic research to the latest translational studies, the 2022 CIMT Annual Meeting will again cover the newest advances in the field.

The CIMT program committee is preparing plenary sessions from pre-clinical researchto clinical development on the latest discoveries in the field. The plenarysessions will be complemented by a poster exhibit and selected poster short talk sessions.

Stay tuned for more information to be posted in January.

Sep 17, 2021

Save the Date for CIMT 2022

2021-12-07 19:33

The 2022 CIMT Annual Meeting will take place May 10-12, 2022. More information will be posted as it becomes available.

Stay up-to-date on CIMT news and events: subscribe to our newsletter.

Jun 10, 2021

On-demand viewing is available

2021-12-07 19:35

The 2021 Annual Meeting sessions and eTalks have been available for on-demand viewing on the virtual event platform since May 31. To access the platform, conference participants use the same login data used to access the conference.

  • The lectures and eTalks are available on-demand in the respective virtual rooms through the end of June.
  • The virtual industry exhibition is also still accessible.
  • If a speaker did not consent to the on-demand format, the presentation is not included.

If you have any further questions or requirements, please feel free to contact us. You may reach us by phone: +49 (0) 611 204809-240 or via email:

May 19, 2021

ACIR meeting summary

2021-12-07 21:36

Selected talks from the virtual 18th CIMT Annual Meeting, including the keynote lecture by Ugur Sahin, were covered by ACIR. The meeting summary can be accessed on the ACIR web page.

CIMT thanks the ACIR team for their coverage of this year's virtual Annual Meeting.

Accelerating Cancer Immunotherapy Research (ACIR) publishes weekly, free-of-charge and readily accessible synopses of the key advances in the fast moving and multifaceted field of cancer immunotherapy. For more information see

Read the report of the 18th CIMT Annual Meeting at

May 18, 2021

On-demand session viewing

2021-12-07 21:36

The Annual Meeting virtual platform is currently under construction. Thank you for your patience while we are preparing the session talks for on-demand viewing. The platform will re-open at the end of May.

All registered participants of the CIMT Annual Meeting will have continued access to the virtual meeting platform where eTalks and session talks can be viewed on-demand through the end of June.

May 14, 2021

2021 eTalk Award Winners

2021-12-07 21:38

Six early-career researchers have been chosen by the CIMT poster jury to receive the 2021 CIMT Poster Awards. One eTalk winner was selected by the meeting audience:

We congratulate Alejandro Hernandez-Sanchez (German Cancer Research Center), Paola Bonaventura (Cancer Research Center of Lyon), Leonie Rosenberger (Charité-Universitätsmedizin ), Miro Raeber (University Hospital Zurich), Marie Christine Viuff (Technical University of Denmark), Francesca Simoncello  (International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology)

Cellular Therapy
Leonie Rosenberger
Abstract 137
Mutation-specific T cell receptors from tumor-bearing hosts display optimal functionality

Therapeutic Vaccination
Alejandro Hernandez-Sanchez  
German Cancer Research Center-DKFZ
Abstract 32
Immunogenicity and HLA binding affinity of MSI-associated frameshift peptide neoantigens

New Targets and New Leads
Paola Bonaventura
Cancer Research Center of Lyon
Abstract 66
Identification of shared tumor epitopes from endogenous retroviruses inducing high avidity cytotoxic T cells for cancer immunotherapy

Marie Christine Viuff
Technical University of Denmark
Abstract 164
Mapping of HPV-specific CD8+ T cells and immune signatures in cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and cancer

Tumor Biology & Interaction with the Immune System
Francesca Simoncello  
International Centre for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology
Abstract 196
CXCL5-mediated accumulation of SiglecFhigh neutrophils in lung tumor tissues impairs CD8 T cell responses and limits the efficacy of PD-L1 checkpoint blockade

Improving Immunity
Miro Raeber
University Hospital Zurich
Abstract 75
Interleukin-2 signals converge in a lymphoid–dendritic cell pathway that promotes anticancer immunity

Audience Choice
Valentina Volpin
Regensburg Center for Interventional Immunology (RCI)
Abstract 56
The serine/threonine kinase CAMK1D confers immune resistance of PD-L1 refractory tumor cells against tumor-reactive cytotoxic T cells

We would like to thank Immatics Biotechnologies for their generous support of the 2021 eTalk Awards.

May 10, 2021

CIMT 2021 opens in Mainz, Germany

2021-12-07 21:39

The virtual 18th Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT was opened  today by CIMT President Özlem Türeci  with over 800 cademic and clinical professionals in the fields of tumor immunology attending online. Over 220 submitted abstracts are presented online as eTalks.

The 2021 meeting offers eight plenary plenary sessions offers sessions on topics such as cellular therapy, neontigens/vaccines, immunoguiding, tumor microenvironment, microbiota, bioinformatics, improving immunity, and regulatory research, plus a special COVID-19−Immuno-Oncology Cross Talk session.

May 3, 2021

2021 abstracts are online

2021-12-07 21:42

All abstracts and the day-to-day 2021 Annual Meeting program are online can be accessed at

During the meeting, the abstracts and day-to-day program can be viewed on the virtual meetig platform.

Apr 28, 2021

2021 CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award

2021-12-07 21:43

The Italian immunologist Alberto Mantovani will be honored by CIMT for life-time achievements in cancer immunotherapy research. The prize will be awarded on the evening of Monday, May 10 at 7 p.m., as part of the virtual Annual Meeting of the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT, May 10-12, 2021.

On May 10, 2021, the Italian immunologist Alberto Mantovani will be honored for life-time achievements in cancer immunotherapy research. The prize, which is awarded every other year by the Association for Cancer Immunotherapy CIMT, honors European scientists who have made significant contributions to cancer immunotherapy research over their careers. Alberto Mantovani is Emeritus Professor of Pathology at the Humanitas University in Milan, and Scientific Director of the Istituto Clinico Humanitas.

Over his 50-year career, Alberto Mantovani, an expert on the molecular mechanisms of innate immunity and inflammation, has significantly advanced knowledge in the field of immunology by formulating new paradigms and identifying new molecules and functions. In addition, he has furthered awareness of science and medicine by authoring books and articles on immunology, vaccines and health targeted at the general public.

CIMT Lifetime Achievement Award 2021-Alberto Mantovani.pdf

Apr 16, 2021

Abstract authors have been notified

2021-12-07 21:43

All abstract authors have been notified and have been sent information about setting up their presentations. The CIMT eTalk sessions will feature a total of 221 scientific eTalks.

All eTalks will be available for on-demand viewing via the conference platform from May 10 through June 12, 2021. All accepted abstract texts will be included in the online program book and will be published online on May 3.

During their eTalk Session, all abstract presenters can engage with conference participants in personal Q&A chat rooms.

All eTalk presenters have the chance to be selected for best eTalk in their category. The eTalk awards will be presented at the closing of the conference (May 12, 6:30-7:00 pm).
The 2021 eTalk awards are supported by Immatics.

Mar 12, 2021

Abstract submission extended to March 24

2021-12-07 21:44

For late breaking abstracts, the 2021 abstract submission and advance registration has been extended to March 24 (midnight CET).

Submit your abstract in the following categories:

· Therapeutic Vaccination

· Immunomonitoring

· Cellular Therapy

· New Targets & New Leads

· Tumor Biology and Interaction with the Immune System

· Improving Immunity

Feb 25, 2021

Apply for a registration waiver

2021-12-07 21:44

CIMT will select young scientists from underrepresented countries for free conference admission. Free conference admission can only be extended to scientists who have submitted an abstract and are registered to attend the meeting.

In previous years, travel award winners came from Argentina, Turkey, Hungary, Greece, Portugal, Czech Republic, Cuba, Chile, Poland, India, Egypt, among others.

Go to for more information.

Jan 29, 2021

2021 registration and abstract submission is open

2021-12-07 21:45

For its virtual congress, the CIMT program committee is calling for abstract submission in six  categories: Therapeutic Vaccination, Cellular Therapy, New Targets and New Leads, Immunomonitoring, Tumor Biology and Interaction with the Immune System, Improving Immunity.
The abstract submission deadline is set for March 14, 2021.

All abstract authors/presenters must register for the conference prior to submitting an abstract.

Nov 23, 2020

2021 CIMT Annual Meeting

2021-12-07 21:46

Save the date for the 2021 CIMT Annual Meeting which will take place in a virtual format, from May 10-12, 2021. CIMT will take the opportunity to provide international participants with high-level scientific learning and knowledge exchange regardless of their location or travel restrictions. We will post more information as soon as it becomes available.

To receive timely notification on the 2021 call for abstracts and other conference information, please consider signing up for our newsletter.

Mar 20, 2020

The 2020 CIMT Annual Meeting will not take place

2021-12-07 21:46

The CIMT Executive Board has decided to not hold the CIMT Annual Meeting, which was scheduled for May 5-7, 2020, in Mainz, Germany. This decision was made after considering current information, guidance and forecasts issued by the German federal and regional governments concerning the novel coronavirus pandemic. We also took into consideration the worldwide travel and gathering restrictions which have been put in place and the yet unforeseeable duration of these measures.

Ensuring the health and safety of our participants, staff and the greater community is our first priority.

No alternative date has been scheduled at this point in time, but we will look into opportunities to hold the meeting later this year.

For now, CIMT will refund all registration and exhibitor fees in full.
Refunds will take several weeks. We would like to thank you in advance for your patience.

If you have any questions, please contact CIMT by email at

Subscribe to the CIMT newsletter

Stay up to date on Europe’s largest meeting focused on cancer immunotherapy research and development